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COVID-19 April 2020 Update

The com mittee has received a communication from the TBA regarding the Covid 19 restrictions:

In part it reads:

“Ranked and Accredited Events

TBA’s previous advice on 17th March indicated that all scheduled accredited and ranked events between March and May are to be cancelled or postponed. This has now been extended until 30th June with further extensions highly likely given the ongoing requirements for indoor sporting venues to be closed. TBA will continue to monitor restrictions and keep you informed. "

Your committee is still working on delivering a shortened tournament this year if at all possible, but clearly we need to work with the TBA, the centres and the advice from the Government regarding Social Distancing.

The safety of the bowlers is paramount but we will continue try to get back to the lanes as soon as is safely possible.

Our best wishes go to all bowlers in this time. Our frustrations are the same as yours, and we all wish to get back to the sport that we enjoy so much.

Stay safe, and keep smiling.

The Committee