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BST Rule Changes for 2020

The following rules are changing based on the latest TBA Tournament Rules as advised by TBA.

1. Tardy Players.
The allowance for players to join a game up to the 3rd frame and be able to bowl frames 1 and 2 has been removed. This may still be done in leagues depending on the league rules, but in a tournament, the bowlers must be ready to bowl when the game is scheduled to start. We may give 5 minutes leeway for tardy players, but after the start of play, any late arriving players will only be allowed to commence bowling from the frame in which they are ready to bowl.

2. Replacement Players
If a player is unable to complete the game due to illness, injury or emergency, their score when they stop playing is the score for that game in the match. This score will be used in the match score, but will not be included in the players average. If an eligible replacement player is available, they can start playing from the next game.

3. Equipment
From the 1st of August 2020, all balance holes drilled in the ball will be deemed illegal. This includes thumb holes not used when a bowler delivers his ball. All balls used after this date will only be allowed finger and thumb holes that are used by the bowler in each delivery. No holes will be able to be left unfilled at the point of delivery. Our suggestion is that you get any balance holes filled and the ball re-checked to ensure it complies with the correct specifications as soon as possible.