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Weekly Update: 25th June 2016

Div 1 Week 19 – Campbelltown City – 25 June

The division bowled 3 pins under average at Campbelltown with 41 200 games and 6 600 series. The high game went to reserve Bob Cohen 262, Chris Hampshire 246, Michael Marker and Bob again 235, Peter Adams 232, Chris again 230, John Dowton 227, Alex Sole 226, Chris Gr eaves 225, Paul Neich 224 and Shane Bond 223. The high series went to Bob with 715, followed by Chris Hampshire 692, Shane 642, Tony Zumbo 608, Chris Greaves 602, Peter 597, John 492, Alex 590 and Rodney Kitley 589. The ladies high game went to Amy Brown with 253 and 245, followed by Kayleen Watts 219, Sarah Heath 206 and 204, Jodie Terry 202, Evelyn O’Donnell 201, Kayleen again 200, Leigh Shepherd 199 and Meg Abdilla 197. The series went to Amy 676, Sarah 597, Kayleen 575, Jodie 568, Leigh 536, Evelyn 533, Trudy Gould 530 and Meg 513.

Leaders Wetherill Park Guns won a close game with Campbelltown Rebels 10-9 while 2nd place Strathfield Sandbaggers lost 10-9 to Mittagong Reapers while 3rd place Campbelltown Cougars also lost 11-8 to Windsor 9 or Better. 4th place Wetherill Park Bandits made up some ground winning 11-8 while 5th place Lidcombe Lightning scored 13. Bowlarama Hotshots won 15-4 while Fairfield Bruises scored 17 on the bye. The high game went to Guns 1001, followed by Lightning 999 and Bruises 968. The series went to Bruises 2820, Guns 2789 and Rebels 2754.

Div 2 Week 17 – Strathfield Superbowl – 25 June

The division bowled 5 pins under average at Strathfield with 17 200 games and 1 600 series. The high game went to Roy Ahn 245, Robert Vamvas and Mark Foster 236, Allan Taylor 221, Rob Mitreski and Wolf Miller 215, Harry Collins 213, Ray Vandine 211 and Allan again 210. The series went to Roy with 617 followed by Robert 597, Allan 590, Ray 583, Garry Graham 582, Mark 571, Rob 563, Harry 555 and Wolf and Dave Stenstra 544. The ladies high game went to Maria Wrublewski 217, followed Madison McCooey 213, Maria again 189, Madison again 188, Rebecca Taduran 181, Madison again 177, Rebeccanne Farr 173, Merle Turner and Leonie Ince 171, Rachel Kim 169 and Rebeccanne again 167 and 166. The series went to Madison 578, Maria 570, Rebeccanne 506, Rebecca 489, Merle 488, Kay Ginger 463, Rose Lucas 461, Leonie 451, reserve Dal las Archer and Rachel 445.

Leaders Campbelltown Alleygators lost 12-7 to Tenpin City Bandits while Lidcombe Lyrebirds lost 11-8 to 3rd place Bowlarama Alley Catz who would have moved to 1st spot except that Alleygators won a pre-bowl on Sunday 15-4 to take back the lead on win percentage leaving Alley Catz in 2nd place. 4th place Windsor Wanderers also lost 6½ - 12½ to Western Warriors and Strathfield Superstrikers won 12-7, Wetherill Park Rangers 11½ - 7½ and Strathfield Sharks 11-8. The high game went to Lyrebirds 929, Warriors 919 and Wanderers 901. The series went to Warriors 2601, Bandits 2588 and Wanderers 2563.

Div 3 Week 17 – Wetherill Park – 25 June

The division bowled 5 pins over average at Wetherill Park with 20 200 games and 4 600 series. The high game went to Brad Cook 269, Mark Ellison and Kyle Keith-Wheatley 246, Tony Rushbrook 242, Mark Judge 233, Craig Carr 230, Nathan Bracey 226, Dave Gray 222 and Bob Quinn 216. The series went to Kyle 650, followed by Mark 625, Bob 621, Brad 601, Nathan 582, Paul Woodberry 577, Phil Spender 569, Craig 568, Tony 566, Matthew Morris 548 and Dave 534. The ladies high game went to Angela Francis 244, followed by Julie Strickland 216, Maxine Jones 201, Ros Kirkland 193, Maxine again 191, Jane Austin 189 and 188, Ros again also 188, Maxine again 182, Tracy Hodgson 181 and Lorraine Hazelwood 180. The series went to Maxine 574, Angela 541, Julie 521, Ros 519, Jane 512, Lorraine 496, Tracy 590, Kerry Horvat 471 and Marianne Keith 432.

Leaders Strathfield Saints won 10½ - 8½ against 2nd place Bowlarama Lollipops while 3rd place Fairfield Dragons scored 13 on the bye but Gosford Giants in 4th place won 15-4 and moved into 3rd spot. Wetherill Park All Stars won 12½, Lidcombe Hells Angels scored 12½ and Windsor Bushrangers 14 points. The high game went to Saints 947, followed by Lollipops 923 and Hells Angels 881. The ser ies went to Saints 2618, followed by Bushrangers 2570 and Lollipops 2561.