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Why The 4-6-7-9-10 Split Is the Hardest Shot

So what’s the hardest shot to pickup in bowling? If your answer is the 7-10 split then you would be wrong. According to a really cool article by Ben Blatt over at the 4-6-7-9-10 Split, also known as the “Greek Church” takes the bowling crown for the hardest spare to pickup.

Surely this can’t be right you might be asking yourself. And how did he come up with this conclusion? We’ll let Ben explain it to you.

“I turned to the hard numbers. I gathered more than 447,000 bowling frames from, the website of the Professional Bowlers Association. This data set includes all the PBA tournaments for which complete, frame-by-frame results were reported, dating back to 2003—447,000 frames in all. Just under 60 percent of these were strikes. But in the remaining 180,000 frames, a bowler knocked down fewer than 10 pins in the first roll. I studied those 180,000 frames to see which shots gave bowlers the hardest time.”

You can read the full article but clicking on the link below.

ARTICLE LINK - What’s the Hardest Shot in Bowling?